Jesus: Not God in New Testament Christologies
Here are links to three interesting posts related to New Testament Christology. In each case, the evidence suggests that the New Testament authors in question did not identify Jesus as identical to,...
View ArticleRomans and a Miracle-Worker
The question raised in this People in White Coats cartoon is an interesting one. There are stories of martyrdoms of miracle-workers, and not just from early Christian sources. But do those stories make...
View ArticleCritic of the Domination System
I haven’t tracked down the exact source of the quotation, but Borg discusses the domination system of Jesus’ time, and his relation to it, in The Heart of Christianity: Rediscovering a Life of Faith.
View ArticleMapping Romans 1-8
Matthew Malcolm shared this map of Romans 1-8, using the rhetorical questions as signposts to the structure. What do you think of it?
View ArticlePunctuating Romans 1
I have blogged numerous times before about Romans 1, and the problems with reading it in isolation from the chapter which follows it, and which followed it without any break in the original letter. I...
View ArticleRomans 1:27: Patriarchy, Penetration, and Penalty
Daniel Kirk has been offering a fantastic survey of what the Bible says about homosexuality, contextualizing it in the context of ancient patriarchy, which considered it shameful for a man to take on...
View ArticleGets The Last Word, The Dark Side Does Not
As I was preparing the PowerPoint for my conference paper which I read yesterday, I looked for one that featured the famous quote from Yoda on the left. I didn’t expect to find it paired with a quote...
View ArticleJosephus and the Burial of the Crucified
I had a wonderful conversation recently, which lasted for hours and only ended because of concern about severe weather. It was with Matt Kovacs and Arick Mittler, formerly of Miami Valley Skeptics, now...
View ArticleDoctor Who: The Eaters of Light
The story begins at Devil’s Cairn in Scotland, with a girl who wants to listen for music, and a boy who says it is ghosts who may drag her to hell. On a stone cairn nearby, we see the TARDIS carved....
View ArticleWhat Would Jesus See? (And Did Jesus Study Abroad?)
I have asked before whether Jesus had the kinds of cross-cultural experiences that typically enable people to see beyond the culture and values they were brought up in, becoming aware of what to others...
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